Thuy Tien waterfall
Thuy Tien waterfall
Thuy Tien waterfall
Thuy Tien waterfall


Price: 25,000VND

Phone: 0917.417.779

Time to visit a place: 120 phút

Open Time: 7:00 AM - Close Time: 6:00 PM


Address: Ea Puk commune , Krong Nang district, Đắk Lắk privince

Thuy Tien Waterfall is located in Giang Tien village, Ea Puk commune, Krong Nang district, originating from small streams in the deep forest pouring out with 4 main waterfalls, each waterfall has its own beauty, Thuy Tien is like a fairy. Nestled in the mountains, gently winding among the thousands. Thuy Tien Waterfall is associated with the story of Ea Puč and Ea Dah streams flowing along the Northwest - Southeast. It is said that in the past, in an Ede village, there was a young man named Dam Ji with an extraordinary appearance, his limbs as solid as stone. Dam Ji is good at hunting, every swing of his sword is scary for animals, but Dam Ji's personality is very hot-tempered and aggressive, if anyone does anything against his will, he immediately punishes him, so even though he is very angry, talented, but Dam Ji is not respected by everyone. On the contrary, his younger brother is gentle and kind, so everyone loves and respects him. One day, the two brothers Dam Ji went to the forest to hunt animals, but they had not hunted any animals, but their mouths were thirsty, and there was no water in the forest to ... View more




Thuy Tien Waterfall is located in Giang Tien village, Ea Puk commune, Krong Nang district, originating from small streams in the deep forest pouring out with 4 main waterfalls, each waterfall has its own beauty, Thuy Tien is like a fairy. Nestled in the mountains, gently winding among the thousands.

Thuy Tien Waterfall is associated with the story of Ea Puč and Ea Dah streams flowing along the Northwest - Southeast.

It is said that in the past, in an Ede village, there was a young man named Dam Ji with an extraordinary appearance, his limbs as solid as stone. Dam Ji is good at hunting, every swing of his sword is scary for animals, but Dam Ji's personality is very hot-tempered and aggressive, if anyone does anything against his will, he immediately punishes him, so even though he is very angry, talented, but Dam Ji is not respected by everyone. On the contrary, his younger brother is gentle and kind, so everyone loves and respects him. One day, the two brothers Dam Ji went to the forest to hunt animals, but they had not hunted any animals, but their mouths were thirsty, and there was no water in the forest to drink. While desperate for thirst, while holding the sword in his hand, Dam Ji got angry and immediately swung it to the ground, the sword hit the ground suddenly shook and a stream appeared in front of him. He cried out in joy and stretched out his hand to swing his sword seven more times to the ground, then, not far from the stream, suddenly rocks fell, the earth trembled, and the animals panicked. another stream. From there in the forest there are two streams, the western stream is named Ea Dah and the eastern stream is called Ea Puč. These two streams have different personalities just like the two Dam Ji brothers. Ea Dah Stream is similar to his brother's personality: very brave and fierce. Referring to the name of this stream, everyone in the area is scared, if you come here to catch fish, find water to drink, you must be very careful not to be swept away by the current, children in the area bathing are often swept away by the stream. Those who come here to fish and praise the stream for a lot of fish and shrimp will only catch fish. If they say that this stream has little or no fish, they can't catch a single fish all day. When the stream is angry, it will raise water causing floods. In contrast, the Ea Puč stream in the east is very gentle and does not harm people. Anyone who comes here to fish or catch fish will return full of fish and shrimp, so people call the Ea Puč stream a gentle stream. The stream is like a gentle and kind brother who often helps others, unlike the fierce Ea Dah stream.

On March 3, 2009, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism issued Decision No. 833/2009/QD-BVHTT classifying Thuy Tien Waterfall as a National Scenic Landscape Relic.

Some pictures of the Monument

Review and Evaluation

(From total review)

Sample Plan



