Dak Lak during the period of national construction and defense (1975-2010)

- Building socialism and national defense (1975 - 1986) + The spring offensive and general uprising in 1975 started with the victory of Buon Ma Thuot (March 10, 1975), the peak was the historic Ho Chi Minh campaign to completely liberate the South, bringing the resistance. against the US, to save o

Dak Lak during the national liberation war (1945 - 1975)

- Dak Lak during the war against France (1945 - 1954) Building and strengthening the government and preparing the resistance (August 24, 1945 to February 1946) + After gaining government in the August Revolution until entering the resistance against the French colonialists to invade, the people of

Dak Lak from the late nineteenth century to the August Revolution in 1945

- The struggles of ethnic people in Dak Lak against French colonialists invaded N'Trang Gưh uprising (1887 - 1913) Ama Jhao revolt (1889 - 1905) The struggle of Oh H'Mai and MaDla The anti-French struggle movement of Buon Ma Thuot civil servants and officials (1925 - 1926) N'Trang Long revolt (191

Dak Lak from primitive times to the end of the nineteenth century

Dak Lak from primitive times to XV century - Distribution of prehistoric population: Cultural relics of people after the New Stone Age - Dak Lak metal are distributed mainly in M'Drak and Buon Ma Thuot plateaus. Also reside in low-lying areas such as Krong Pak - Lak; in the low hills of Ea H'Leo or

Sample Plan